If you're on a middle to low-income, and your property is rated EPC D or below, you may be eligible for funding through the government's Warmer Homes Grant scheme to install energy efficiency measures in your home.
We can assist you to discuss this with your landlord and apply for this grant funding if you live in Lewisham or Greenwich London boroughs.
Upgrade your property
We understand accessing home improvements when living in rented accommodation can be isolating and difficult. This specialist service offers tailored support to tenants, including support in navigating these discussions with your landlord.
We're working in the Boroughs of Lewisham and Greenwich to help tenants understand their landlord's obligations under Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) Regulations and access improvements to their home's energy efficiency. We can offer advice and support tailored to your home's build, including the identification of grants available and support in making an application.
For example, an application for Warmer Homes grant funding can offer up to 2/3rds (£5,000) match grant funding for your landlord to install measures such as insulation, ventilation, double glazing and heat pumps. We can check your eligibility and walk you through the application free of charge.
How it works:
Book a call with Hojee, our advisor. He'll talk you through opportunities to improve your home's energy efficiency, including the identification of any grants available.
Refer your landlord to us. We can explain the details of any funding you are eligible for and what's required of them.
If all are in agreement, we can make the funding application on your behalf.
If your application is accepted, we'll complete a property survey.
You'll receive quotes for the work from qualified contractors.
The works go ahead. Your property is made more comfortable and your EPC score is improved.
What support is available for Tenants?
We have a number of services available to help you learn more. Please see below:
Why is improving energy efficiency important?
Reduces heating costs, lowering your energy bills
Makes your home more comfortable, leaving you less susceptible to cold-related illnesses
Makes your home more environmentally friendly by using less energy for the same tasks
Avoids property disrepair issues by taking care of insulation/ventilation

1:1 Funding Advice
If you're a tenant living in Lewisham or Greenwich, our advisor Hojee can give you a call to talk to you about improving the energy efficiency of your home.
If we're concerned about particular issues in your home such as a significant amount of damp and mould, we can arrange for a home visit assessment. We'll check your landlord is complying with his legal obligations to make your home comfortable to live in.
We can also assess your eligibility for the government's Warmer Homes funding and even make the application on your behalf. This funding can pay for the installation of measures such as insulation, double-glazing and renewable energy systems.
Are you struggling to pay your energy bills?
Since our formation, we have been committed to reducing the number of South East Londoners in fuel poverty. So far, we have provided training or support to almost 4,000 individuals and homes.
We can support you to reduce your energy bills, speak to energy companies on your behalf, assist you with applications for financial help and changing payment methods.
We can give you support in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, French and Bengali.