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This webinar was streamed on 20th October 2021, 7.00-9.00pm.
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Learn how to protect the heritage qualities of your conservation area home, whilst making it fit for the future with a retrofit project.
About this Event
Many of us who live in conservation areas consider ourselves lucky enough to have beautiful, historic homes, which hold within them many memories, not only of our own but of generations before us.
Nevertheless, much as we love our homes, we're very familiar with the feeling of cold in the winter, the sometimes sweltering heat of those south-facing rooms in the summer, and generally, very expensive energy bills arriving through our letterboxes each month.
Now though, we also have to go beyond thinking about our own comfort and consider our home's impact on the environment. 40% of UK emissions come from households, and buildings in conservation areas are often the oldest and hardest to decarbonise.
Having said that, it's not an impossible mission, and there is a growing community of homeowners undertaking "deep retrofit" projects which look to protect the beauty of older buildings whilst upgrading the energy efficiency of the home through insulation, ventilation, renewable energy, and smart technologies.
Brookmill Road Conservation Area Society (BRCAS) has come together with South East London Community Energy Co-op (Selce) to host a webinar series, where we will explore a range of aspects relating to deep retrofit projects in South East London conservation area homes.
Through Selce's Future Fit Homes program, South East Londoners now have access to expert retrofit coordinators, who can guide them through the process of retrofit. These webinars also bring together a range of expert guest speakers to discuss the landscape for retrofit and practical solutions on how you can get started with your home.
Read below to find out more about our two webinar sessions, and our expert speakers from Historic England, Selce, and Arboreal Architecture. Please donate generously to support us in raising funds for the continuation of the positive work SELCE does in tackling climate change in South East London and of Brookmill Road Conservation Area’s (BRCAS) work in raising awareness of conservation issues.

“We are delighted to be working with SELCE, Historic England and our expert speakers to foster practical stewardship of this special area’s heritage." - Julia Rowntree, Chair
Our Speakers
We'd like to extend a special thanks to our expert guest speakers, who are giving their time for these webinars. Speakers for the first webinar include:
Project Manager at South East London Community Energy Co-op
Nadia manages the Future Fit Homes project at Selce, advising homeowners on how to decarbonise their homes through deep-retrofit. She has experience in both policy and project management and has worked on energy in buildings, sustainable finance, and community energy with a focus on solar PV, battery storage, and electric vehicles. Nadia has also picked up a few awards along the way including Young Community Energy Champion, and the ECA Power Players award in 2019.
David Masters
Retrofit Co-ordinator at South East London Community Energy Co-op
David has been an energy advisor and retrofit coordinator working with both homeowners, landlords and clients in fuel poverty to assist them with reducing their energy consumption at home. He is both a qualified retrofit coordinator and has assisted with completing thermal imaging surveys.
Historic Building Surveyor at Historic England
Joanne is a chartered building surveyor working within the Climate Change Adaptation technical team at Historic England. Advising and supporting Government, homeowners and conservation stakeholders on how to adapt and manage their buildings against the climate emergency. Before joining Historic England, she worked for the National Trust and Winchester College.
She has particular interest and experience in implementing energy efficiency measures and emergency prevention work against flooding and fires.
Inspector of Historic Buildings and Areas at Historic England
Alfie is an Inspector of Historic Buildings and Areas in the London Development Advice Team at Historic England. He has previously worked as Senior Conservation & Design Officer at the London Borough of Camden and in heritage at the integrated urban consultancy Alan Baxter Limited.
He has a long interest in conservation of the historic built environment as part of sustainable development, and recently pursued research on the theme as part of Europe-wide MSc studies.
7.00-7.10 – Welcome from Julia Rowntree, Chair of Brookmill Road Conservation Area Society
7.10-7.35 – Presentation - “Introduction to retrofit” from Nadia Smith and "Fabric First for Conservation Area Homes" David Masters at South East London Community Energy Co-op
7.35-7.40 - Quiz
7.40-8.05 – Presentation on "Traditional Buildings and their place in Climate Change" from Joanne Williams and "Planning for retrofit and conservation in London" from Alfie Stroud at Historic England
8.05-8.15 – Short Break
8.15-8.50 – Panel discussion with live Q&A
8.50-9.00 - Roundup and Close from Julia Rowntree, Chair of Brookmill Road Conservation Area Society
Where Your Donations Go
We encourage you to generously donate towards this event, to assist in covering the costs of organising the event, and support both BRCAS and Selce with their ongoing work in the community. You can find out more about both organisations on their websites.
The Society works to conserve and enhance the character and appearance of the Brookmill Road Conservation Area. The area is described as one of great architectural unity with a pronounced corniced parapet running the length of each terrace uniting the whole and featuring consistent use of London roofs giving a clear characteristic roofscape. They also monitor and respond to planning applications, consult with Lewisham Council on planning and conservation issues., and increase awareness of the area’s history and character through occasional talks, online and printed information.
“We are delighted to be working with SELCE, Historic England and our expert speakers to foster practical stewardship of this special area’s heritage." - Julia Rowntree, Chair
At South East London Community Energy, we're committed to supporting a green transition where no-one is left behind. That's why we run our fuel poverty alleviation program to support individuals that are having to choose between heating and eating.
We believe we're part of a quiet revolution - where the energy transition and social justice go hand in hand. All donations raised from this event will go into continuing our work in the community, to make London greener and cleaner, and alleviate fuel poverty.
Quote from Giovanna
This project is a social business set up by Selce to tackle the issue of homeowners being left with little support to reduce their carbon emissions. We employ trained specialists in buildings retrofit to support people through their journey, with impartial 1-1 advice, a free informational blog, events, thermal imaging surveys and more. If you would like to get started, you can book a free half-hour call with David or Dominic to figure out where you can start on your retrofit journey - just visit our website. All surpluses generated from this project go back into tackling fuel poverty in South East London.