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This webinar was streamed on 17th February 2022, 7-9pm.
For more information on how you can green your home, get in touch.

Are you curious about retrofitting your home? This is a great opportunity to learn how to make your home greener & more comfortable.
About this event
Retrofitting your home for the first time can be daunting. Or maybe you want to explore more innovative ways to improve your home and also reduce your carbon footprint. That's why we worked with Greener & Cleaner to answer all your vital questions. The event will took place online, and heard from expert guest speakers including Bromley Council representatives, Selce Energy Advisors, and homeowners who have gone through their own process of retrofit. For your chance to ask questions, we also prepared for a panel discussion at the end of the session including all guest speakers. All donations from this event will be split equally between Selce and Greener & Cleaner, more information below.

We'd like to say a special thanks to our guest speakers for making it all happen, and generously donating their time and expertise.
Our Speakers
Nadia Smith
Project Manager & Director - South East London Community Energy
Nadia manages the Future Fit Homes project at Selce, advising homeowners on how to decarbonise their homes through deep-retrofit. She has experience in both policy and project management and has worked on energy in buildings, sustainable finance, and community energy with a focus on solar PV, battery storage, and electric vehicles. Nadia has also picked up a few awards along the way including Young Community Energy Champion, and the ECA Power Players award in 2019.
Bilqis Alam
Energy Advisor - South East London Community Energy
Bilqis is a Sociology graduate who provides energy advice in English and Bengali. Bilqis believes small actions are the fundamentals of building a renewable and sustainable society.
Ian Chown
Homeowner's experience of an Edwardian house
Ian moved in 2018 to a ordinary suburban Edwardian house in Orpington, and has converted it to low energy, and zero use of fossil fuels, using reasonable measures. We learnt how his experience can apply to houses of various types and ages, with a special emphasis on Air-Source Heat Pumps.
Cllr Will Harmer
Councillor for Bromley Town Ward - Bromley Borough Council
Cllr Harmer gave us some insight into Bromley Borough Council's plans to decarbonise the borough's older building stock, including public buildings and social housing. Cllr Harmer is currently Chariman of the Environment and Community Services Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee, and also sits on the Executive, Resources and Contracts Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee.
7.00 pm -7.10 pm – Welcome from GCBB & introduction to why retrofit matters
7.10 pm - 7.20 pm – The Glades on sustainability, and The GCBB Hub
7.20 pm - 7.25 pm – Retrofit Quiz
7.25 pm - 7.40 pm – Introduction to Retrofit in Bromley - Nadia Smith
7.40 pm - 7.45 pm - Retrofit on a Low Income & alleviating fuel poverty - Bilqis Alam
7.45 pm - 8.05 pm – Practical Advice from a homeowner's experience
8.05 pm - 8.25pm - Break
8.25 pm - 8.35pm - Bromley Council, on retrofit of social housing
8.35 pm - 8.55 pm - Panel Discussion
8.55 pm - 9.00pm - Roundup and Close by GCBB
Where Your Donations Go
At South East London Community Energy (Selce), we're committed to supporting a green transition where no-one is left behind. That's why we run our fuel poverty alleviation program to support individuals that are having to choose between heating and eating. To accelerate the transition to a sustainable future in SE London, we formed Selce as a co-operative for the benefit of the community. Our founding objectives are:
developing community-owned renewable energy in SE London
reducing carbon emissions by providing advice on energy efficiency and installing energy-efficient products and services
developing practical measures to combat fuel poverty in our community through the provision of advice and related services
promoting public awareness of renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainability
We believe we're part of a quiet revolution - where the energy transition and social justice go hand in hand. All donations raised from the above button will go into continuing our work in the community, to make London greener and cleaner, and alleviate fuel poverty. All ticket donations from the eventbrite page will be split equally between Selce and Greener & Cleaner, towards their new hub at the Glades.
Words by Jessica Dunning